

WellExp is an employee motivation platform with various of features built to give you the important insight you need to develop your employees’ talent, improve company culture, and motivate employees with flexible benefits.




Rewards & Redeem

Improve relationship within your company through
announcement and peer to peer recognition


Reach every employees with news and updates

No more mass emails and paper announcement

  • Share updates to all employees within one click

  • Make sure timing is right with scheduled posting

  • Selection several groups of employees for updated

  • Employees only see the information that relevant to them

Create engaging updates in a few clicks and improve the good communication

  • Take a few clicks to publish engaging content

  • Add images, video or embed URL link to make more interesting

  • Auto popup notification for new updates

  • Get insights and know which types of updates gewt the highest engagement rates

Surveys collect employees' feedback

Capture your employees’ thoughts and feedback
by mobile experience to reach every employee

  • Create and publish employee surveys and live digital polls in minutes

  • Make decisions based on organization surveys

  • Get fast feedback and valued insights from every employees

  • With mobile experience make it easy for everyone to take participation


Make the culture of sharing appreciation
and encouragement

  • Employee give the Wellpoints to colleagues and other teammates for the job welldone

  • Encourage and inspire your teammates, make sure their actions are valued and visible

  • Create a culture of recoginition and enhance engagement

  • Express the gratitude and make more closed connection to the team

Employees get WellPoints when completing quests,
it’s fun and rewarding


Motivated Operation

Reward the small milestone successfulness

  • Award small milestone achievement or OKR progress with Wellpoint

  • Stimulate motivation to generate a faster working progress

  • Employee takes pride in themselves and continuously receive rewards


Easiest way to evaluate team’s knowledge

  • Create and dispatch quizzes in few clicks and analyze your team knowledge

  • Track your team skills and performance , anywhere & anytime

  • Create suggestion quizzes to get feedback for team

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